The Body Shop Strawberry Shower Gel Review

A while ago, I bought a bunch of stuff from The Body Shop, including this shower gel. It is one of two shower gels that I brought with me to the UK. I didn’t want to weigh down my suitcase with full-size products, so that’s why this one made the cut. Anyway, on to the review.

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As you can tell, I used up the entire bottle! I liked it a lot. I think that the smell is actually really nice. I remember expressing my hesitations about the artificiality of the strawberry scent, but I actually really enjoyed it. It was nice and fruity, without being too chemical-y smelling. It worked really well with my sensitive skin, too. Occasionally, I have reactions to overly fragranced body products, but everything was okay with this! I also love that you don’t need a lot of this to get a nice lather. I managed to make this shower gel last for about a week and a half, which is good considering that it is only 2 ounces! Would I purchase a shower gel from The Body Shop over a shower gel from Bath and Body Works? No, probably not as Bath and Body Works shower gels are my favorite (although, I’m not sure what is going to happen with the new formulation that they will be releasing shortly). I will probably pick up a few more of these shower gels if they go on sale again, just to try a few more fragrances. 🙂

I do really like this product and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys strawberry scented things. Check it out the next time it is on sale!! What are your favorite products from The Body Shop? Let me know below!

I bought this myself. All opinions are my own. I’m not getting paid for this post.

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